
7 start-ups recognized for innovative ideas

Organizers and participants attend the Founders Institute Bangladesh 2020 Graduation Ceremony event virtually on Tuesday, February 16, 2020 Courtesy

Founder Institute had invited the aspiring entrepreneurs to build technology businesses in August last year

Seven start-ups and entrepreneurs have been recognized for their innovative ideas and commitment to work, which aim to improve the standard of living and create employment facilities for people by utilizing information technology.

The Founder Institute Bangladesh announced the acknowledgement at a ceremony held online on Tuesday evening, marking the end of the pre-seed accelerator program, according to a media statement.

The seven entities are Daktar Bondhu, DailyGoods Limited, Kidzwheel, Showpur Ltd, Offset Interactive,  BELAB and AGROMARS Limited.

Founder Institute had invited the aspiring entrepreneurs to build technology businesses in August last year.

Daktar Bondhu was recognized for its pledge to facilitate simple services and set up a network for patients and health service providers; DailyGoods for logistics software solutions for increasing e-commerce facilities and simplifying the goods supply process; and Kidzwheel for simplifying the process of attaining knowledge, information and the exchange of ideas for children.

Showpur was recognized for motivating small traders to expand their mobile business at low costs. Offset Interactive will help people connect with the appropriate places for the printing and packing process.

BELAB took a pledge to solve problems, such as education and employment issues, among the youth (aged 18-25). They will also help them to become entrepreneurs.

AGROMARS Limited pledged to assist in life improvement through the intake of healthy food.

The program and Tuesday’s graduation ceremony were jointly organized by business consulting firm LightCastle Partners, smart technology and startup ecosystem-based firm BetterStories, University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB), Pathao, Shohoz and Praava Health.

Mehad Ul Haque, project manager of LightCastle and senior business consultant, moderated the ceremony.

Congratulating the graduating entities, Founder Institute CEO Adeo Ressi said: “Founder Institute is willing to provide innovative modules to the graduating startups to ensure viability and scalability for their business.”

Startup Bangladesh Limited Managing Director Tina Jabeen added: “We encourage initiatives such as Founder Institute to support our local startup ecosystem.”

LightCastle Founder and CEO Bijon Islam, BetterStories Founder Minhaz Anwar, and Sajid Amit, associate professor and director of Center for Enterprise and Society (CES) at ULAB also attended the event, said the media statement.

Founder Institute is the world’s largest pre-seed startup accelerator. It commenced its activities in Bangladesh in August 2020.

With chapters across 70 countries, the institute is working to empower talented and motivated entrepreneurs and helping them build companies. Founded in 2009 by Adeo Ressi and Jonathan Greechan, it operates from Palo Alto, California.

Bijon Islam leads the institute’s Dhaka chapter.